The Woodcote Mass at 11.30 am on Sunday 12th January will be held at the Oratory Prep school in Goring Heath. This is because South Stoke road will be closed for the 10k run in Woodcote.
Father Jacob Our dear friend Fr Jacob died early in the morning of Saturday November 30th. He has been a wonderful friend to this parish (and its three most recent parish priests) for 30 years, has given so much, and he has loved being part of the parish too. We thank God for his long ministry, not just in this place, and for all that he brought into our lives. May he know the forgiveness of his sins, the rest and light of the Father’s house and may he hear the Gospel words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant." May he rest in peace.
The parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the National and Archdiocesan policies & procedures at all times. Our Safeguarding Representative may be contacted at: Alternatively the Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted on 0121 230 6240 / [email protected] if you have any concern.
Welcome to our Parish Website The Parish of Our Lady & St John in Goring-on-Thames and of Christ the King in Woodcote is situated in South Oxfordshire and is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham (Registered Charity No. 234216). As well as Goring and Woodcote, the parish includes South Stoke, North Stoke and Ipsden and a number of smaller South Oxfordshire villages.
New Parishioners If you are new to the area please click Parish Notes and follow the New Parishioner link. For current members of the parish community further information will also be found under Parish Notes.
Masses for the week Saturday 6.00 pm at Our Lady and St John, Goring Sunday 8.00 am at Our Lady and St John (Latin) Sunday 10.00am at Our Lady and St John, Goring Sunday 11.30am at Christ the King, Woodcote Monday 7.30am at Our Lady and St John, Goring Tuesday 6.00pm at Our Lady and St John, Goring Wednesday 9.30am at Our Lady and St John, Goring Thursday 12.00pm at Christ the King, Woodcote Friday 10.00am at Our Lady and St John, Goring